Wellness by Design: A Room-By-Room Guide to Optimizing Your Home for Health, Fitness and Happiness – Review

Home is where the heart is. We’ve all heard this familiar phrase throughout our lives.
Designer, wellness coach and author Jamie Gold proposes that home is where the healthy heart, mind, body, and soul is. Gold makes a strong case in her new book, Wellness by Design: A Room-By-Room Guide to Optimizing Your Home for Health, Fitness and Happiness, that designing your home with wellness in mind will pay off in the long run with a healthy return on your investment not only in your well-being but in your home’s resell value.
Commencing with a four-chapter introduction to wellness at home and an overview of design-related wellness concepts – perfect for those new to the concept of healthy home design, Gold guides the reader through the relatively new design concentration of building and designing homes with a focus on health, fitness and happiness.
Chapter 1: What is Wellness Design?
Chapter 2: Making Your Whole Home Healthier
Chapter 3: Material Choices
Chapter 4: Smart Home Technology
In chapters five through eighteen, Gold explores each home space. Readers will learn how to apply healthy home design concepts for specific rooms throughout their homes.
Chapter 5: Entryways
Chapter 6: Outdoor Living Spaces
Chapter 7: Kitchen
Chapter 8: Home Office/Workspaces
Chapter 9: Fitness Space
Chapter 10: Public Living Spaces
Chapter 11: Master Bedroom
Chapter 12: Master Bathroom
Chapter 13: Kids’ Bedroom
Chapter 14: Kids’ Bathroom
Chapter 15: Guest Bedroom
Chapter 16: Guest Bathroom
Chapter 17: Laundry/Flex Room
Chapter 18: Garage
At the end of the Wellness by Design book, Gold provides a link to her website which contains wellness by design checklists that will enable readers to create a healthier environment at home.
Wellness by Design is a good primer for healthy home design that provides useful, actionable ideas for quick fixes to full-house remodels that range in project complexity from easy to hard and in project budget from inexpensive to significant expense.
Wellness by Design is available at Amazon and other booksellers.
Creating a perfect spa space at home continues to be a popular request from homeowners and tenants. Though homeowners have quite a bit of leeway with interior space modifications, apartment dwellers and home renters can make design changes that in small ways can transform their dreary bathrooms into at-home wellness centers.
In Wellness by Design, Gold offers simple solutions that create big impact on a small budget such as this wellness tip:
“You can replace a standard showerhead in your owned home or rental with a handheld massaging version very easily, and take it with you when you move.“
She also explores luxury home bath features (like the flotation tub shown below) that rival those found in the world’s most elite spas. These high-end home bathroom solutions come with a significant price tag and require more than a few hours of your time (or in this case professional installers), but for those with the means – a luxury spa experience at home would certainly be a worthwhile investment in their well-being and happiness.
Below you will find some fantastic design finds and ideas to take your bathroom from blah to ah – with your ultimate well-being as the goal.
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